Germany: The 'PR Spin' Coup Behind the 'Coup'
One article to understand the bigger picture of the German 'coup' raids.
Previous note on RMX News here:
Want to understand what really might be going on behind the so-called ‘coup’ plot in Germany?
One piece gets this ordeal nearly spot on.
There was a previous ‘plot’ just like this (without teeth) that seemed to originate in similar German politically motivated spin.
Germany’s massive right-wing extremist raid: Is it more show than substance?

The supposed ring leader of “Nordkreuz” was only given a suspended sentence of 21 months, as the judge in the case said that nearly every weapon and piece of ammunition he owned was legal, and that although he had made some “unconstitutional” comments in a group chat with other members, there was no evidence he had any active plans to overthrow the government or carry out any terror attacks.
In the end, even if some members of the group “fantasized” about a Day X, there was no indication they had any concrete plans to partake in any direct action. Many in the left dream of a communist overthrow of the German government, or a society based on anarchist collectives, and some of them may even discuss what such a society would look like in various groups scattered across Germany’s cities, but would such discussions constitute an imminent threat to Germany’s democratic order?
The question is always when does fantasy start to cross into the realm of reality.
If the plan was real, it was crazy to begin with
The details from the current Reichsbürger case remain unclear, as the case has yet to go to trial. However, if Prince Heinrich XIII, who authorities deem the leader of the group, truly planned to imminently storm the Reichstag and seize power, then he and his cohorts are delusional, potentially insane, and acutely unaware of how power actually works. Power is not a capture-the-flag game where you can run into a government building and scream: “Look, now I’m in power!”
Even if the group was planning to storm the Reichstag, which is a claim we should take with a grain of salt until all the facts come to light, there is little possibility of such a “coup” succeeding in the modern era. If the group managed to defy all odds and take control of the Reichstag, the individuals allegedly involved in this case would have been promptly handcuffed and ushered into prison. After all, any successful coup requires a base of power. That means support from the military, a segment of the current elite, or a mass of the country’s populace — with all three being ideal, but the former two prerequisites far more important.
As the article points out…even if this group was able to ‘storm’ the Reichstag, they wouldn’t be able to accumulate any real power without the backing of police, military, and other political organs — all groups there’s no indication they had any real power over.
Time will tell as to whether or not the plot was realistic, but the PR damage has already been done, and it will certainly not bode well for AfD — the rising German Nationalist/Populist party.
Clearly, smearing the AfD is the actual purpose of all of this. Every establishment neo-liberal force in the modern west is moving to criminalize opposition to themselves and their policies, allege that all opposition is violent, extremist, treasonous, and so on - at the very moment they are abandoning any pretense of democratic legitimacy, liberal standards of freedom of speech, press, religion, opposition etc. As totalitarians, no one opposing them can be legitimate, and they need no base or legitimation themselves beyond being the transcendent enlightened, saved and chosen.
Sounds like the fake right wing fake kidnapping of the ugly Chicago politician a year ago. I don’t remember that freaks name. These fake flag events are tiresome. The idiots who fall for them can’t keep up.