Federal Gene Serum Injection Mandate Blocked by Fifth Circuit Court
"Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate Blocked By The Fifth Circuit"
In addition to yesterday’s news from New York:
NY vaccine mandate for healthcare workers 'null, void' following judge ruling
Here’s ANOTHER win for Medical Freedom from tyrannical genetic injection mandates:
Federal contractors can now avoid gene serum mandates thanks to the 5th Circuit court.

Among its requirements, the Order required that federal contractors and subcontractors mandate that their employees be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Why are they scaling back the mandates now?
I speculate there may be several ideas (of course, I could be wrong) behind this timing:
Labor shortage — they can’t fill seats in the depleted military either.
It’s wrong — these mandates should have never been implemented in the first place.
The Gene Serum don’t work — with latest datasets, it’s patently obvious that the Serum doesn’t stop transmission, isn’t effective, isn’t safe, and is built atop a house of lies.
It’s unconstitutional — perhaps there are still some elements of the judiciary not beholden to tyrannical ideology.
It’s politically convenient — maybe with Republican investigations starting to fire off into gear, some of the Evil One’s who decided to implement these forcible and coercive policies in the first place are starting to get cold feet and want to try to escape lawful accountability.
The momentum is starting to move favorably, but there’s no reason to take a foot off the gas now. Now is actually exactly the right time to be launching more lawsuits, grand jury investigations, and whatever other strategies can be implemented simultaneously.
Must continue the blitzkrieg offense so that these things do not return.
The mRNA Gene Serum Injections and their associated tyrannical mandates have been some of the most brutal psychological and totalitarian weapons applied against human beings of all time.
Here is a full page of links to other ‘health-control’ related content to read.
Here are two specifically useful ones from that page:
I feel its the corrupt government officials and bureaucrats and industrial complex against the fragmented military and American people right now. At least i want to believe that, and not totally everything is captured. If it wasn’t, what are they waiting for?