ERICSSON REPORT: Are Cell Phone Towers Being Weaponized? Yes. So Is Everything Else.
From overt and explicit support to terrorists to highly advanced modern warfare technology being applied to common cell towers..and everything else.
You pick up the phone. There’s a voice at the other end of it. This process is fairly commonly understood — radio frequencies emitted by cell towers are picked up by the phone in your hand, and a connection is established. This, in and of itself, is no more or less nefarious than other technological advancements. Unfortunately, like everything else — along with the proliferation of apps like TikTok — the cell phone tower itself can easily be weaponized in another dimension.
Certainly any effects that broadcast wavelength terrestrial and satellite transmissions have on human physiology should be deeply studied — but this piece is not meant to go into attack-mode on that very plausible aspect of the threat. Instead, this will focus more deeply on two key areas:
Overt support for terrorist networks provided by telecoms. - As provided by the Ericsson Report.
Near-term sophisticated means of weaponization through advanced technologies — this contains an expanded look at some original research I’ve been conducting…over the years. A realistic look at the evolving militarized technical space.
Overt Support for Terrorist Networks
Remember ISIS? Where they hell did they go? BTFO.
It’s simple. They were an intelligence operation — in a sea of intelligence operations.
The more important question is — where the hell did they come from? In what felt like an ‘out of nowhere’ hit — a terrorist superstate emerged in an area of the Middle East that had been, presumably, under the watchful eye (sarcasm) of possibly the most coordinated surveillance regime in world history. At least, the most sophisticated apparatus that existed outside of CONUS. Every communication possible in and out of the area — you would think — was being monitored by intelligence services the world over as a result of the invasion of Iraq just about 10 years prior to the more rapid emergence of ISIS in 2011-2014.
Something like that doesn’t just happen inorganically — not these days, anyway.
According to the recently released “Ericsson Report” by Michael Khoury — Ericsson, a massive vertically integrated Swedish telecom provider, was directly supporting the telecommunication infrastructure that sat underneath ISIS.
Because they were serving a critical role in the apparatus that enabled ISIS to succeed in the first place. Without them — ISIS would have had no comms. The direct connections provided in the report between official US government representatives, ISIS, the DOJ, and Ericsson are for all practical purposes, indisputable.
With the cover of ‘providing telecommunications services’ — Ericsson deployed network equipment throughout ISIS controlled territory. This had a significant impact on supporting the rapid growth of the terrorist super-state.
As the report details, Ericsson wasn’t only supporting ISIS — they were active in many other countries like Syria and Libya.
Near-Term Sophisticated Means of Weaponization
With “5G Kills Birds” memes everywhere — it’s fairly common for people to be downright paranoid of the proliferation of 5G towers everywhere. This fear can be seen as either unfounded, or very real, depending on the perspective of the observer. It’s foolish to think that this technology won’t be weaponized.
But how would this type of “death-ray” technology actually work? Read on.
There are several technologies and compounds — advancements coming largely downstream of modern silicon (Si) chip technology present in nearly every device with some type of integrated circuit on the market today, that are going to present a near-term threat in this space. Whether a computer, cell phone, cell tower, embedded design, or other type of circuit / chip design — they all largely use Silicon (Si) wafers in the production process. But there are new technologies — unreported on, but actively being developed, that will undoubtedly be attached to this threat space in the near term.
Some of these newer technologies go by acronyms that will be expanded upon below.
SiC - Silicon Carbide - high temp, high voltage applications
GaN - Gallium Nitride - high temp, high voltage, high radiation tolerance
In the coming years — you’ll start seeing these terms everywhere.
They key component to understanding how these technologies work is that they are simply miniaturized versions of the same technology we use every day. For example — as of recently, you can buy a GaN (Gallium Nitride) phone and laptop charging combo brick — only it’s 1/4th the size of previous power bricks. Other examples include anything with a chip in it..for example, LRAD (Long-Range Acoustic Device) technology, used for modern crowd control, can be easily be supercharged and become a mobile brain-melting machine. This is most likely what is behind the symptoms of Havana Syndrome — despite official reports earlier this year claiming otherwise. It’s simply inconvenient at this time for ‘experts’ to openly say that inverted, high power microwaves are being used against members of the State Department or Military Intelligence agencies. But that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
Expand this (militarized) technology to an implementation on a cell phone tower — and you effectively have the blueprints for a widely deployed ‘Directed Energy Weapon’ — run by technology that is not substantially different than a weaponized “Wardenclyffe” (or Tesla) Tower. Can you feel the heat?
Other militarized applications of these types of advancements include the development of railgun technology. Handheld radar units. Supercharged processing and targeting capabilities via drone. Aircraft carrier launch systems. Higher bandwidth applications on the battlefield. You name it — these types of technologies are simply being commercialized so you can carry around a smaller and lighter charger for your laptop and cell phone.
The military applications already exist, to some degree, though no doubt many of the implementations are still being ‘researched.’ Wink wink.
Find yourself needing to launch a counterattack in some bizarre, 2035 future war against a hostile drone swarm? Gotchu fam.
These advancements in current Silicon technology provide for an easy, streamlined process towards the further militarization of everything (which is nothing new) which will transform the modern battle space even further.
Make sure you take a look at the full Ericsson Report here:
Currently running a 20% off discount here on The Farm.
GaN is a big reason why integrated weapons systems (like the Aegis Combat System) newest versions of the SPY radar are both more powerful and sensitive.
I thought the entire purpose of the fifth generation war was to prevent the spread of weaponized technology by defeating and removing all of the cabal corporations and agencies involved?