Don't Like Security Clearance Rules? Just Change Them.
Possible methodology for altering security clearance & classified document handling begins to take shape.
Review these disparate instances of references to classified documents handling and security clearances, and then combine them.
This story flew well under the radar and was not widely covered.
Just before the New Year — J. Robert Oppenheimer (a physicist largely responsible for developing nuclear weapons) had the ‘black mark’ against his name (that resulted in the stripping of his security clearance) removed, posthumously. Essentially, he was accused of collaboration or contact with some Communists, and he had his clearance revoked in the 1950s.
Notice how, in the story being told, this is seen as some kind of “justice” for Oppenheimer — with vernacular such as “badly tarnished,” “flawed process,” and “violated [.. regulations]” being used to describe the original process used to strip his clearance.
Certainly plausible. But the timing is notable for several reasons you will find below.
It appears that the Totalitarians have some plans in mind to make stripping security clearances, possibly for ex-gov officials (such as Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc. etc.) more difficult going into the future.
It would seem this could be part of a strategic play to keep their gainful, now outside-government employment (that largely exists due to the retaining of these types of security clearances after leaving official positions) and make it more difficult to take that security clearance away in the future.

There is an important question just beneath the surface in this first topic:
Why did they dig up (and resolve) this ancient case now?
Above is Part 1.
Below is Part 2.
Documents handling.
Now that Biden has been caught not once, but twice, with classified documents retained long after his time as Vice President — the usual suspects are running cover for him. With a little twist.
In the below annotations — you’ll see some of the usual concepts, but one begins to enmesh with the story above the break about Oppenheimer:

Biden Man Lawful.
Orange Man Bad.
Stripped. Security. Clearances. Or not?
Putting together these two stories should lead to many’s one:
Are the rules regarding the retaining of security clearances being changed just in time to protect those who most need protection?
Feel free to leave any other relevant info in the comments.
It certainly does seem so. I long ago lost the belief that there are coincidences! (At, least none that aren’t planned)
This retention of security clearances was a big issue a couple of years ago, when Patriots discovered that certain security clearances still held by ex-gov't employees in later post-gov't private sector jobs, vastly increased their salaries.
It was discovered that MANY of these lobbyists should have lost their clearances when they left gov't service, but didn't, and that their were bribes offered.
This is a big deal. I hate these grifters.