Something you may never have come across before is the concept of a Dog King.
In the Before Times — a ruler who conquered a new territory would often install a symbolic leader which was specifically intended to be seen as an insult by new subjects. This would demoralize them — making them believe they were powerless to do anything about their circumstances. This has a powerful psychological effect on many people — leading them into both passivity and deeper into captivity.
Sometimes this newly installed leader would be a literal ‘Dog King’ — because the new ruler would ‘crown’ an actual Dog into a powerful, royally titled position over a given territory. Think of it like a King saying to his newly conquered subjects:
“Yeah? We installed a Dog as King over your land. What are you gonna do about it?”
That’s what a Dog King is.
It’s when you’re conquered and someone ruling over you wants to humiliate you.
Can you think of any examples of ‘Dog Kings’ lording over the rest of us common peasants?
Is this man (pretending to be a woman) a Dog King?

Is this man (dressing up like a woman) a Dog King?

Surely there must be others.
What other Dog Kings can you think of in recent times?
Merrick Garland
What a creepy little man. It’s an insult to dogs.
They’re all insults to man’s best friends!