“Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump”
Read that twice and try to figure out who and what they’re talking about.
If you guessed the "completely non-existent and entirely made up entity formerly known as” Antifa — you are correct. It’s no shock that mainstream media organizations can’t identify the brownshirt paramilitary supporters of their own party. Even more unbelievable is how Antifa hates the typical cookie-cutter liberal — but this is an interesting parallel to liberal support for the Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade in Ukraine. Somehow, organizations (made up of humans with opinions) always wind up either overtly or covertly supporting groups (also made up of humans with opinions) that hate their existence.
In this older Atlantic piece — with the obfuscating title “Conservatives Conjure Up Liberal Support for Antifa Violence” — I cannot find a single actual denouncement of violent activity. A statement like “I denounce all forms of political or other violence” would do just fine. If it isn’t clear, that is a personal position, and it’s very easy to state concisely: I denounce all forms of political or other violence — outside of valid instances of lawful self-defense, lawful self-preservation, and the lawful defense of others.
Rather, the article opts to discuss right-wing commentators and news outlets who covered left-wing reactions to the aforementioned violence. Rather surprisingly, it also admits Antifa exists and goes into some amount of depth regarding some of the differences between outright criminal activity and civil disobedience. In short, how can anyone wearing a black face-mask (or otherwise covering their face) while engaging in criminal activity also be guilty of civil disobedience? They can’t. Civil disobedience is a concept defined by the public ‘ownership’ of protest. An anonymous black-clad person in a purposefully obfuscating outfit ‘protesting’ anything in a violently disruptive manner is simply a criminal pretending to be disobedient in the civil sense of the term.

Below — Antifa “an “organization” that even his [Trump] most loyal intelligence officers failed to trump up proof ever existed” — doesn’t exist. Yet above, it does exist, and its tactics are exposed. How can these two realities exist at the same time? Maybe Antifa is simply Schrödinger's group which only exists in the quantum sense. It exists, and yet it doesn’t exist — all at the same time. Rather, it exists when it is indisputable that it commits certain frowned-upon social activity (read: acts of violence), but doesn’t exist at just the particular politically opportune moment. Antifa is Schrödinger's opportunistically useful group. All Americans concerned about civil liberties (even classical liberals, now a nearly extinct breed in 2022) should be concerned about the creation of dossier’s by a relatively newly formed domestic security apparatus — but they’re only concerned about this when “baseless conspiracy theories” are used as the justification to “manufacture a domestic terrorist threat for the president’s “political gain.” If, for example, DHS were utilized to create dossiers on supposed “Domestic Violent Extremists” — regardless of whether or not it was the result of a “baseless conspiracy theory” — that would be a politically correct and useful undertaking and would be sanctioned. The purpose of an article like this is to manufacture consent for the following concept:
“DHS, stop chasing phantoms that don’t exist over here; go chase that group we think it’s worthwhile to chase over there.”
Again — “baseless conspiracy theories” are behind a project of drag-net surveillance on a group that….
Isn’t real.
But is real at the same time.
Sounds a lot like Commie Propaganda “Stochastic Terrorism” to me. Unsurprisingly, both the article denying Antifa exists and the piece below (on the new terminology being utilized) — on Stochastic Terrorism — were published on the same date: November 5th.
But there’s nothing coordinated about this.
Please consider sharing this article, before I’m sent to the Gulag Archipelago to be re-educated learn Mandarin.
We need safe phones that aren't Google enabled
We need a new search engine. Brave now coopted. Anyone? And we need a new alternative Wikipedia.
If antifa didn't exist, then I wonder how typing in Antifa.com used to link directly to BIDENS website, whereas now it takes you to THE WHITEHOUSE website.
Try it out.
Something mighty fishy about that.