At this stage — it’s simply a matter of successful or unsuccessful attempts to ‘remedy’ the incalculable harm and damage being done to the injected to whatever extent is reasonably possible. All conversations and/or discussions around who was ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ are now to be classified as ‘fruitless.’ Because not all conversations are worth having.
Listen closely to Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) entering the ‘Bargaining’ phase of grief (while occasionally phasing back to the ‘Anger’ phase) particularly around his attempts to reason about the approach other people had to his personal coming to terms with rejection of the mRNA injections.
Mr. Adams also spends his time delving into a study trying to link education to injection uptake. This is a similarly fruitless endeavor — much as broadly categorizing his audience into several groups is fruitless. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why someone personally rejected the mRNA Gene Serum technology, the lipid nanoparticles, or any other component of the injections.
None of his topics begin to approach the predicament he and billions of others now find themselves in. Neither do most conversations regarding mRNA Gene Serum injections and their associated injuries.
The solution to this problem, in part, has already been carried out safely across Africa many, many times to cure illnesses such as river blindness.
It can be done with mass (should it be mandated? how about for critical workers?) administration of Ivermectin and other commonly available, and several other safely vetted medicines.
Any discussions that are not solely focused around the ‘Acceptance’ phase of the failed mRNA Gene Serum injections will be classified as similarly fruitless.
Below are several images worth drilling into and applying to this ‘conversation’ — which is, on its face, the wrong ‘conversation’ to be having about the Gene Serums.
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